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The danso is a Korean notched, end-blown vertical bamboo flute used in traditional Korean music. It has four finger holes and one thumb hole at the back to change a pitch. The danso is used as an educational tool in Korean primary schools, much like the recorder is used in western nations.

Mobile Application


Users can play Sogeum by touching holes, and manipulate sound. 

For example, users can control volume by dragging vertically and control pitch by dragging horizontally.

Two types of 'Nong', typical expression of Korean music which is similar to vibrato, mode is provided, so users can choose or create desirable sound. 

Playing                                                                Setting



How to play_1                                                         How to play_2



  Instruments                                                       App information



Sogeum application for iOS makes sound with blowing a microphone on the device, and is able to play various pitches with the combination of different fingering positions. It is also able to play Nong effect with moving the device back and forth. 


Playing                                   Settings-1                           Settings-2



[Basic fingering position of a diatonic scale for wind instruments]

[Basic fingering position of a chromatic scale for wind instruments]

[Extended fingering position of a chromatic scale for wind instruments]

